Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Wass Village Hall's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 16, you are viewing 10 - 15


address land to the north of The Stables, Main Street, Oldstead
description installation of package treatment plant
area North York Moors
start date 31/08/2023
decision None


address Brook Cottage, 2 Hambleton Lane, Wass
description demolition of existing conservatory and construction of replacement garden room
area North York Moors
start date 10/08/2023
decision None


address Field OS 4119 opposite Rose Cottage, Wass
description verification check of condition 5 of planning approval NYM/2022/0917
area North York Moors
start date 05/04/2023
decision None


address Abbey Cottage, Byland Abbey
description change of use of land to form extended garden and installation of tennis court surface with associated works and landscaping
area North York Moors
start date 29/03/2023
decision None


address TPO 2005/2 Wass St Aidans House Hambleton Road Wass YO62 4BP
description T1 - Meribelle reduction Height reduction by roughly 1.25 m Southern lateral spread reduction by roughly 1.25 meters and slight raise over the road to allow more clearance for large vehicles. Eastern spread reduced by roughly 0.5 m Western spread reduced by roughly 1 meter Northern spread reduced by roughly 1.25 m. All work is to maintain the well-being of the tree whilst maintaining a size that can be regularly maintained going forward into its new shape whilst also allowing more light into these small dark gardens, both my client and neighbour has mentioned that their garden and house is gradually becoming darker and darker.
area North York Moors
start date 03/03/2023
decision None


address Mill House, Main Street, Oldstead
description Listed Building consent for replacement garage door with timber window, replacement window with timber door, and replacement timber windows
area North York Moors
start date 15/02/2023
decision None