St Thomas Church Wass
The chapel, which is dedicated to St Thomas, has only one room as it was used as both church and school until 1933, when the school closed. From then on the building was used exclusively as a chapel.
It has no churchyard, with villagers continuing to be buried at their parish church in Coxwold.
Today St Thomas, Wass is part of a benefice (group) with six other Churches in the local area. Our group of Churches is known as The Byland Churches. If there is no service at Wass or Coxwold, you will find many of our congregation worshipping at one of the other Churches in the group.
If you have moved into the village recently you will currently receive free of charge a copy of our monthly magazine, The Village Link, which lists services, events and other news in Wass and other nearby villages.
Services at St Thomas, Wass are usually held 3rd Sunday of the month but for further please go to:
Rector: Revd Katie Franks:
01347 822599. Katie's usual day off is Saturday.
Churchwardens: Mrs Rosalind Williams, 01347 868150
Village Link: