Byland with Wass and Oldstead Parish Council
The Parish is formed by the Village of Wass and hamlets of Byland Abbey and Oldstead. The Parish is small with approximately 220 people on the electoral roll.
The Parish Map shows the boundary administered by Wass Village Hall.
What Do We Do, Why & How?
Byland with Wass and Oldstead Parish Council, like all Parish and Town Councils in England, represents the first tier of local government - the one closest and most accessible to the electors. The Council is made up of 5 volunteer Councillors, 3 from Wass and Byland and 2 from Oldstead supported by a parish clerk. The Councillors represent all the electors of Wass, Byland Abbey and Oldstead and have to stand for election every four years. The Parish Council is not a political body and Councillors do not represent any political party when working for the Parish Council.
The aims of the Parish Council are:
· To work with parishioners and others
· To understand the aspirations of residents and the issues affecting them
· To promote appropriate and sustainable development of Wass, Byland Abbey and Oldstead
· To ensure that Wass, Byland Abbey and Oldstead continues to be a safe and enjoyable place to live, work and play, now and in the future
Duties of the Parish Council and its members
· To conform to the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and other relevant legislation
· To act in accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council
· To hold regular meetings of the Parish Council, all of which will be open to the public
· To record the minutes of the Council meetings and make them freely available